Lang. Arts:
* Reading Log # 4 DUE Thurs. 10/5
- top section filled out 9/28
- middle section filled out BEFORE class 10/5
- bottom section filled out at journal check in time 10/5
- top section filled out 9/28
- middle section filled out BEFORE class 10/5
- bottom section filled out at journal check in time 10/5
* Maths Mate (1,3) DUE Mon. 10/2
* Mangahigh Assignments DUE Mon. 10/2
* Mangahigh Assignments DUE Mon. 10/2
Social Studies:
* Chains: read in class- up to page 241, with 8 journal entries, characters list, time-line
(Chains reading and questions are NOT "homework", but if you aren't keeping up with the questions during class time you might want to work on them at home.)
* Chains: read in class- up to page 241, with 8 journal entries, characters list, time-line
(Chains reading and questions are NOT "homework", but if you aren't keeping up with the questions during class time you might want to work on them at home.)
* Work on Food WEB project DUE (TBD)