April 18, 2019
Dear SATEC 7th grade parents,
We are finding that more and more students are bringing their cell phones to school and are not having success focusing on their school work because of this distraction. We are concerned about this distraction and also that cell phones can be used inappropriately during the school day. In order to help provide students with a clear focus and support a safe, responsible, and respectful learning environment we are asking that students do not bring their cell phones to school. As always, if students need to call their parents during the day they can ask their teacher permission to use one of the school phones.
If parents do decide to send their children to school with their cell phones they will no longer be in student possession during the school day (8:15 am until dismissal) beginning on April 29, 2019. We will have students place their cell phones in a locked cell phone holder. Please be aware that this is a parent decision, and the school cannot take responsibility for your child’s cell phone that is brought to school. The teacher will lock the cell phone holder in homeroom and when students return to homeroom at the end of the school day (3:25-3:30) this will be unlocked and students can take them home.
If we see or hear cell phones during the school day, the phones will be left in the SSC (the first offense) where students can pick them up at the end of the school day. Subsequent offenses will result in the phones being turned into the office. A parent will then be expected to pick up the phones during school hours as we will not return the cell phones to students at school. If the issue continues, we will ask parents to come in and meet with the school team (teachers, principal, and SSC staff) to come up with an individual plan for this student.
We thank you for your continued support in making your child’s learning environment positive and productive.
Angela Stebbins
Jason Therrien
Sarah Biggie
Abby Lanfear
Will Howrigan
Keith Peterson
Lorelei Westbrook
Jauna Berry
Amanda Giroux
Sonia Devarney
Gretchen Maskell